Our school is preparing graduates to succeed in high-caliber secondary schools. Here’s how:
- Accelerated and advanced learning opportunities
- Preparation for achievement on the High School Placement Test: Most Holy Cross students are accepted into the high schools of their choice, and many earn significant scholarships
- Full accreditation by the Middle States Association Commission on Elementary and Secondary Schools
- Data-driven instruction and use of robust data analysis to monitor classroom results and student growth, enabling us to rapidly adjust to student needs
- Network-wide implementation of the research-based math curriculum Eureka Math to improve student achievement in mathematics
- Network-wide implementation of top-rated English Language Arts (ELA) curriculums: CKLA for Pre-K and EL Education for K-8
We Supply Student and Classroom Technology
Every student has a laptop and all classrooms have SMART Boards.
We Celebrate Students Who Meet Learning Goals
We celebrate student growth toward learning goals once every trimester. All students who met their goals are recognized with certificate presentations during an assembly.
We Recognize Students Who Exemplify Values
Each month, we recognize students for exemplifying faith-based values.
We Have Classes in Art, Music, and Phys Ed
In addition to academics, all students take art, music, and physical education classes led by content experts.